What does your IP Address say about you?

What exactly can you find out from an IP address? In his latest article, Dan Arel explains how an IP address can be used to determine your location, track your online activity, and even censor what you see online.
Dan Arel is a privacy and digital rights activist, founder and curator of ThinkPrivacy.ch, as well as an award-winning journalist, and best-selling author. His work has appeared in the Huff Post, OpenSource, Hacker Noon, Time Magazine, and more. You can follow him on Twitter @danarel.
Many of us who are privacy minded take many steps to protect our data online. You add tracking blockers to browsers, you delete cookies, and you use privacy-respecting email services and search engines.
You even turn off location services on all of your devices, only to find websites know exactly where you’re located. More often than not, it’s because you might have miss one key piece to your online identity.
What is an IP Address?
Your IP address, for a lack of a better comparison, is like your home address. No one out there has the same IP address as you. It’s also a gateway into your home network, which is why most routers and computer systems have firewalls built into them. You can block unwanted incoming connections to ensure someone parked outside your home isn’t gaining easy access to files stored on your computers. Like your home address, you don’t want to run around sharing your IP address either.
How does your IP Address let others track you?
Still, when you visit many websites, they log your IP making your actions online trackable. Here you are taking all of these steps to protect your online identity and your ISP is selling you out. Based on just your IP address, a profile is being created about you. With your IP address alone, they can see how long you visit a site, which sites, and target you with ads based on that.
Non-private search engines do the same. They log your IP and create a profile based on your searches. All of the tracking blockers in the world aren’t masking your IP address. That’s why privacy respecting search engines such as Startpage are so much different. Not only are they not logging your IP address, but when you send your search result through the system, it’s totally anonymized. No one knows it was your IP address making the search.
This is an ideal way to search the web for many reasons. For a journalist, maybe you’re researching a sensitive, or unsavory subject and you’d rather keep your search private. But you don’t need to be a journalist to want to anonymize your searches.
Perhaps you’re researching politicians for an upcoming election. Your searches create a political profile that will then be used to target ads and influence your vote. Searching privately helps stop this, however, once you land on a political website, they are going to log your IP.
Using Anonymous View to hide your IP Address
Thankfully, Startpage offers the Anonymous View option in their search results. It loads the website you want to view via a proxy server, so the site doesn’t see your IP address in their logs. Yet we don’t visit every site via search engine. Sometimes we go to a URL directly or are linked from another source such as an email. When you visit a source directly, your IP address is exposed.
Your IP address can also help governments censor what you can see online. This can be from simple things like trying to watch a BBC News video while inside the US, to state-sponsored censorship in such areas like China or the Middle East. Your IP can be used to ensure you can’t access news or resources not approved by the government.
So, what can you do about it? If your IP address is assigned to you by your ISP, just as your home address is assigned to you by the city or state, how can you hide your location, or avoid censorship?
Using Tor to hide your IP Address
For the most extreme cases, you can use Tor, a browser that anonymizes your IP through a series of proxy servers. For example, if you visit Amazon.com through Tor, your traffic is routed through these proxies, and each proxy only sees the IP address of the previous proxy. By the time you reach Amazon, your actual IP address is long gone. Amazon sees the IP of the last proxy you passed through and has no idea who you are. The problem with Tor for most users is that it can be incredibly slow.
The lack of speed may not be an issue if you’re trying to avoid censorship. Or, you’re a journalist in a particular region of the world and you don’t want the government surveilling you. Yet, if you’re just trying to avoid websites knowing your location or being able to track you, this could be overkill.
Using a VPN to hide your IP address
That’s why for the average internet user, I recommend signing up for a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. This is a much simpler, and speedier solution.
When you turn on your VPN, your device appears as though it’s on the same network as the VPN server you’re connected to. With a VPN you can change your geo-location to access information blocked inside your country or to connect to a public Wifi and ensure your connection to the internet is encrypted and secure from snooping.
We use strict criteria at ThinkPrivacy when choosing our recommendations for VPN services. We look for providers who do not keep logs or track their users, and who operate inside of privacy friendly countries. These are not the only providers out there, but when searching for the provider who is right for you, keep these types of criteria in mind.
With these easy suggestions: enabling firewalls, not sharing your IP, and using a VPN or Tor, you can help protect your online identity beyond adblockers, tracking blockers, and deleting cookies.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Startpage.