Protect your privacy with these browser extensions

No browser is inherently perfect. In this article, Dan Arel presents which extensions provide more security and privacy.
One of the great privacy vulnerabilities we have is our web browser. Outside of apps on our phones, it is our gateway to the internet. Opening it to search the web, access information, and shop, it’s the number one window into the internet for Big Tech to gather information and sell ads targeted towards us.
So, the privacy minded take choosing a browser seriously, and apart from using Tor Browser every day, most land on options such as Vivaldi or Firefox. Yet, the truth is, no browser is perfect out of the box and thankfully we can utilize extensions to make them better.
Personally, my daily browser is Firefox, so a few of my favorite plugins are based on Firefox, but that will be notated, but most are universal across most browsers so your browser of choice will be covered.
Startpage Privacy Protection Extension
I would be lying if I said the first extension I always install wasn’t the Startpage extension. That’s because on Firefox it enables me to make Startpage my default search engine as well as receive website privacy scores and gives me the ability to toggle privacy settings per page I visit.
uBlock Origin
Next up, I install the uBlock Origin extension. This extension uBlock Origin is often mistaken for an ad blocker, which is of course one of its functions, but the developer calls the extension a “wide-spectrum blocker” which blocks ads, trackers, and malware sites.
uBlock Origin also allows the user to customize the level of protection as well as add their own blocking lists that might be more regionally specific or just dependent on your own personal needs.
Firefox Multi-Account Containers
As the name suggests, this is a Firefox extension that allows users to separate their tabs into containers that keep sites from sharing information with each other. This is done by making sure “cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web with multiple accounts.”
This means I can have two windows open for a site such as Twitter and be signed in to two different accounts at the same time, but even better, since each tab is its own container, they are not communicating with each other. So, if in a new tab, I open another website, it’s not gaining access to those cookies or potential trackers. According to the Mozilla site, this helps users “avoid leaving social-network footprints all over the web (for example, you could use a Container tab for signing in to a social network, and use a different tab for visiting online news sites, keeping your social identity separate from tracking scripts on news sites).”
Facebook Container
You might first ask yourself, why would I need a Facebook extension if I take privacy so seriously, I don’t use Facebook? It’s a good question, and the answer is because even if you don’t have a Facebook account, Facebook is still tracking your internet usage and keeping a profile. The second part to that is not everyone is so lucky to not use Facebook and some are required to through work, or they honestly aren’t able to find a good alternative right now to keep in touch with friends and family.
Not everyone can avoid Facebook, but thanks to extensions such as Facebook Container by Firefox, we can make it just a little safer.
How this extension works is by isolating Facebook (if you have an account) to a single container and blocking Facebook activity outside of that container. So, if you visit a news site, you’ll see an icon hovering over the Like or Share button is that button is associated with Facebook.
This extension does a great job coupled with Multi-Account Containers at preventing social networks from following you around the web and adding an extra layer of protection for those who feel the need to continue to use Facebook.
Other extensions
The extensions mentioned below are valuable to some users but are becoming redundant in many cases or will be soon reaching end of life as many great browsers are beginning to adopt these extensions purposes as default settings.
One of the most important of these is HTTPS Everywhere. Which this extension, it will force all websites into HTTPS mode, rather than HTTP. This helps ensure you’re connected to every site with a secure encrypted connection.
Why this isn’t mentioned in the main section is because most modern browsers are now adopting this technology and forcing sites to HTTPS on their own. Because of this, in 2022, the developer of HTTPS Everywhere, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has announced that it will only maintain the extension via bug fixes and will no longer provide major updates. Another great extension from EFF is Privacy Badger.
Whatever browser you choose, choosing your extensions can be just as important, if not more important in some cases. Yet, you don’t have to install ten extensions to have a safer and more private browsing experience. You can install two or three and greatly increase your privacy.
In the end, perfect privacy may not always be possible but it can often be about assessing your Threat Model and finding the tools that best fit for you.